
Nov 11, 2008 08:04

We are slowly getting things put where they need to be. The Viking went back to work yesterday.

Unfortunately due to his work schedule we won't be able to make it down to my brother's for Thanksgiving. The Viking has to work the day before and after. It would be hard on us all to drive 3+ hours down just to get to spend 2 or so hours and then drive back.
Disappointing, but that is just the way work goes sometimes. Hopefully we'll be able to get together with them very soon. Mallora is bouncing off the walls at the thought of meeting her cousin.
We will most likely just have a rather small Thanksgiving meal here.. not really sure what we'll do yet.

We do have a bed now. That was the last "need" item that we had to buy. Now we will wait a bit before buying a few of the other items we don't need as much like an entertainment center for the living room... one for the playroom and a couch for the living room. At the moment we'll make due with the love seat and recliner in the living room.

The weather here is still messing with me. It's very hard for my brain to believe that it is November when I can walk around outside with short sleeves.

I'll be unpacking for the next ten years. lol That is just how I feel right now.

I'm still sick. Coughing and sore throat. The kids are getting better though so that is a good thing.

I hope Cathy had a great birthday on Sunday. Sorry I didn't get to wish you well on the day.

My baby sister's birthday is coming up on Friday. I hope she has a god birthday. I know she's not going to get many "presents" so to speak... rather the gifts will be in the form of money she is raising for a trip to Europe with the Journalism department at her college next spring. I'd rather go to Europe than get presents too!

Well I'm sure I had other things I wanted to say... but I'm just rather spacey these days so I can't remember it all.

Hope you are all doing well! If you need my new address and/or phone number please leave me a comment here with the email address to send it to. The comments will all be screened.
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