Apr 28, 2007 22:59
So training has been really interesting so far. I'm having a bit of trouble sleeping, so I'm really having problems keeping all this mass amount of information stuck in my head. All those how love coffee and need it I urge you to bring your own to put in the coffee pots. I really, really miss real coffee :-(
Training so far has had it's ups and downs. Maylee and I are bonding well, but I found out that I am allergic to her saliva. The trainers are helping me wean her off of a lot of food rewards, which seems to be making her a little confused and sad. It's really hard to find the perfect balance; however I am confident that we will get there. Yesterday was fantastic, we really stepped it up out there and grew a lot as a team. Today was a bad day and not only was I confused, but I was confusing her because I finally working with a trainer that has worked with her a lot. Man, was she one walking huge distraction instead of looking at me and listening to me, Maylee was looking at the trainers and not listening to me like she was doing the day before. When we gain height on this rollercoaster of training we come down one of those steep inclines. It only goes to show that even though we are getting used to each other this past few days there is a lot work on.
I ended up having to stay at the campus today while the class worked the basic route in downtown San Rafael because my arches were aching really badly and add a sore throat plus sleep dep and things during the morning workout where not really coming together. I had a nap with my dog and after we went out for a walk around campus trying to find a pace that is good for me and have her get accustomed to it. I did heel Maylee for this adventure because we are not ready to work the dogs around campus without a instructor/trainer nearby to assist us when need. I have noted that I walk with confidence with her now and it's only bound to get better. Well it's late and I need to crash. I am looking forward to T touch class tomorrow with my sweet little girl and hopefully I be able to get a chance to answer comments and/or emails from everyone soon.
Take care love from Chelle and Maylee