Aug 13, 2007 10:21
I know, I know. Last post was in January and it wasn't even a real post.
The thing is, I really love looking back to old entries from past years, and it occurs to me that if I'd like to continue to have that luxury, I'm going to have to put a little bit of effort into it. So let's give this another shot.
Since my last appearance, I've gotten an apartment and a dog. I share both of these with Justin. Justin and I recently celebrated our 4th anniversary, which just totally blows my mind. I guess I knew when we first started dating that this would be something special, but at that time my age and my experience wouldn't allow for me to get my head around the sort of long-term commitment it's become. Almost everyday I make new discoveries about the incredible dynamics of a relationship.
I have also officially started to feel like a grown-up, and not so much in that "oh, this is so weird, it's like I'm a grown-up now" sort of way. It's more like I'm starting to accept it. Not totally, but at least a little bit.
I think a lot of that comes from the current circumstances in my life. I've graduated from college, gotten an apartment of my own, started paying bills, taken a living thing into my care, and gotten a job that isn't at Somerset Trust Company.
The new job is with Children & Youth Services. That's right, I work for the county now. In fact, I'm writing this post from my very own cubicle. I've been working here for almost a full month. I'm a caseworker, so the idea is that I should be working on cases... the trouble is no one will give me any. There is apparently some sort of training that I need to complete first, but to the best of my knowledge said training hasn't even been scheduled yet. So instead of doing the work that I get paid to do, I spend my entire days emailing Justin and Megan, stalking people on facebook, and reading back entries from my livejournal.
The real bitch of it is that the other girl who started on the same day as me has a ton of crap to do all the time. I don't know what the difference is between the two of us. We're the same age, we both went to UPJ, we both have brown hair. She loves Jesus a little more actively than I do, but I can't imagine that should make any sort of a difference. If I don't get something to do soon, I feel like I need to leave. I don't know where I'll go, but I'm about to lose my mind.
Moreover, I came into work today, prepared for another day of doing nothing, only to find that the a/c broke down over the weekend. Delicious.