Sep 30, 2006 11:32
So here's an observation I recently made about myself and about life. It's certainly not aimed at anyone in particular... just a general note.
In the course of my life I've found myself involved with many conversations and exchanges of various sorts in which people talk about a particular incident (ie, a movie, a vacation, a concert) as having 'changed their life for the better.' And, though I could never figure out why, that statement never sat quite right with me. It always sounded like such a weak thing to say, if not altogether fake. You know, just say "The vacation blew me away." or "That move is unlike anything else I've ever seen."
And last night, for absolutely no reason at all, I got to thinking about why I think saying that something changed your life is so atrocious. And here it is. I have to believe, for the sheer sake of my own personal sanity, that every single moment changes our lives for the better. To me it seems so ignorant to think that right now, in this moment, my life is only one thing. And that it could continue to be only one thing for days and weeks and months or however long it takes for the next really really good thing to come along. Sitting here, writing this silly little entry in my livejournal at 11:30 on a Saturday morning is just another step in the ever-changing journey that is my life.
And maybe I lie when I say that I've been thinking of this for no reason at all. It could very well be because over the past few weeks, or even months, I've found myself on a lot of highs and a lot of lows. And I think about those moments, and I understand that each of them was very signifcant in one particular way or another, but even after everything I am still essentially myself. And myself, as I've said before, is not any one thing. This is a new discovery that I've been coming to. What's the line in the Fight Club? 'You are not your blue jeans' or something like that? I am my blue jeans, but I am also a thousand other things. I am the music I listen to and I am my Subaru and I am the person who loves the people I love. If I am so many different things, then becoming adding one more thing to be to the pile isn't life-changing at all... it's just part of the evolution that, I am coming to believe, is in and of itself the status quo.
I am, for instance, as of Thursday night, the girl who got her picture taken with Scott Avett from the Avett Brothers after seeing them rock the freaking house in Morgantown.