back again

Jan 12, 2011 13:10

Well, it was June 2009, when my son Dylan was born, that I last posted to this journal. It has been a long, strange, and wonderful journey since then, and despite plenty of challenges, life is pretty damn good.

I may not ever be nearly as...hmm, prolific as I once was here, but I am feeling more writerly of late, and this journal always was a good place to put musings, thoughts, and work-in-progress, and having been an occasional Facebook resident over the past few years, LJ still seems a much better place to put actual substantive stuff, beyond the casual "Likes" and drive-by witticisms that make up most of the content (well, my content, anyway) there.

So to friends and old comrades here, hail and well met, and good to see ya again.
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