Apr 30, 2004 00:01
001) What time did you start this? I think it's like 1 something.. in the A.M....
002) Would you have sex before marriage?: Already did-but if I could take it back, I would definately wait.
003) Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers? Hmm there was Mr. Mansour, Mr. Martinez, Mr. Hanford, oh wait and the best... Mr. D =P
007) Do you have any birthmarks? one on my arm and one on my back that is often mistaken for a mole or a "disease" by school nurses
008) Have you ever gotten your ass kicked? by my brother and by Joey
009) Have you ever beat someone up? Both of them but I always end up losing..
011) Do you get online a lot? When I have a free chance..
012) Are you shy or outgoing? Outgoing..most of the time
013) Do you shower? Hardly.. ever?
014) Do you hate school? Nope, I now value school
015) Do you have a social life? Trying to get one back
016) Have you ever lied to your best friends? A couple times when its necessary.. nothing too severe
017) Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing? Haha oh yeah...
018) Would you ever sky dive? Sign me up
019) Do you like to dance? Yup
021) Do you like to travel? Live for it
022) Have you ever been suspended from school? No.. but I have been in ISR..
023) Do you want to get out of your hometown? I think in the long run it will be a good idea
024) Are you spoiled? surprisingly NO... although many would beg to differ
025) do you like to get down on the first date or night? I don't like to get down on any kind of first
026) Have you ever been dumped? Yeah haven't we all..
032) Are you a role model?: I don't know who would look up to me but if they do..god bless them
033) What name brand do you wear the most? Express
034) What kind of jewelery do you wear? my Michelle bracelet from Cedar Point.. haha.. and my $4.00 Claire's earrings... I am a baller..
035) What do you have pierced? ears several times and my belly button
036) What do you want pierced? my ears some more
037) Do you like taking pictures? Yes
038) Do you like getting your picture taken? Nope
039) Do you have a tan? Yes
040) Do you get annoyed easily? Depends who is doing the annoying and how often they try to annoy me..usually it is the same people just doing it for the sick pleasure..you assholes but I still love ya.. =)
041) Have you ever started a rumor? If I am told something then yes I have often spread it..maybe I have made up one or two.. everyone has done it.. your lying if you deny it..
042) Do you have your own pool? I used to.. I still consider it mine..
043) Do you prefer boxers or briefs? Boxer-briefs.. squeeze that tight ass!
044) did you get new pants today? Nope.. I wore clothes I have had for like 3-4 years
045) Have you ever played someone? Not intentionally... 047) Have you ever been fired from a job? Yes
048) Do you even have a job? Yes
049) Do you daydream a lot? Yes
050) Do you have a lot of ex's? No
051) What do you want a tattoo of? A small shamrock on my foot...
053) What does your ex bf/gf look like? Which one?
054) What does your most recent crush look like? crushes are secret!
055) Are you rude? Sometimes I am..it is my nature to be straight out blunt with people...usually I am a sweetheart-don't worry =)
056) What was the last compliment you received? You look sexy!
057) Do you like getting dirty? Oh yeah baby... I like where this is going..
058) Is your bellybutton an innie or outie? innie
059) Are you flexible? A little
060) Could you ever be a vegetarian? Nope...I would probably die first..
061) Last real heartbreak? Last year...
062) Describe your looks? I dunno.. I'm like 5'2...dark brown curly/straight hair, brown eyes, tan, hips and butt for miles... ya know =P
063) If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color? I wouldn't want to..
064) Would you ever date someone younger than you? I usually do
067) When was the last time you went on a date? haha...................um............. the weekend after Valentine's Day?
068) How many rings until you answer the phone? 3 my house phone... my cell phone like never.. I never hear it or have it with me..
069) Do you look more like your mother or father? Daddy
070) Do you cry a lot? I used to a lot..
071) Do you ever cry to get your way? No but usually it ends up with me crying but it's never intended..
072) If you had to amputate one limb, what would it be? my left arm I guess..
073) What phrase do you use most on the phone? I don't talk on the phone.. I don't do phones..
074) Are you the romantic type? Yeah
075) What do you like most about your body? My butt..it makes me friends
076) What do you like least about your body? my thighs
077) When was the last time you threw up? don't remember
078) In the opposite sex,do you prefer blondes or brunettes? Brunettes by far =) sorry guys..
079) What do the shoes you last wore look like? black sandals
080) Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly? No
081) What about cleavage? No..I dress classy not trashy
082) Is your best friend a virgin? Yes he is =)
083) Have you ever ------ someone up? um?
084) Have you ever been ------ up? um?
085) What color are your underwear right now? haha..don't have any on.. I'm sporting pajama pants.. underwear and pajama pants don't go together
086) What size shoe do you wear? 5 1/2, 6
088) What is your screen name on AIM: that is a secret
089) How are you feeling right now? sleepy
092) What time do you sleep in to? like 8:30-9
093) Has there ever been a rumor spread about you? a few.. assholes.. sorry-I hold grudges
094) What is one of your bad qualities? I give my heart too easily...I AM TOO NICE!
095) What is one of your good qualities? I am trustworthy
096) Would you marry for money? Only if we can immediatly get divorced afterwards
097) What do you drive? monte carlo.. not by choise
098) Are you more of a mama or daddy's child? daddy's girl
099) When was the last time you cried in school? senior year
100) What time are you finishing this? 4:25am