Nov 21, 2005 18:47
yo yo yo...
This past weekend we went to the GatorMUN conference and it was pretty fly. The comittee sessions got boring at times, and long, but it was cool. We saw harry potter on Saturday night. Very Disapointing =(. fl;adjfkl;asjdf;lasdfjalsdfjka;ldfjal;dsfjkl;a. I don't know how people who didn't read the book are not totally lost by now. I walked into the theatre thinking, ok, don't be critical about the movie, but before I knew it I was pointing out the flaws lol. Anyway, everyone was cool, no drama, we all got along. Oh, and Brian told the joke of the century by the way.
Anyway, I've become jaded in the whole meeting a nice guy and something cool happening between us department. Very jaded. blah. There's always something, or lack of something, or someone else. al;kfja;ldsfl;a. I'm definitly not getting my hopes up anymore. It never works out.
It's supposed to be pretty chilly tomorrow =) I'm sooooo ready for Christmas! and Thanksgiving...mmmmm.