... my heart and my trust were in the process of collapsing. And that collapse created a vacuum in my chest. Like every nerve in my body was withering in, pulling away from my fingers and toes. Pulling back and disappearing. -Jay Asher, Thirteen Reasons Why
It hurts and hurts to have him this close. I feel sick with it. -Jenny Downham, Before I Die
But you always called. You couldn’t help but call because your heart was crushed and you thought maybe if you talked it out one more time the person who crushed your heart would change his/her mind and uncrush it... Then you’d sob and sob and sob so hard you couldn’t stand up until finally you’d go quiet and your head would weigh seven hundred pounds and you’d lift it from your hands and rise to walk into the bathroom to look at yourself solemnly in the mirror and you’d know for sure that you were dead. Living but dead. And all because this person didn’t love you anymore or even if he/she loved you he/she didn’t want you and what kind of life was that? It was no life. There would be no life anymore. There would only be one unbearable minute after another and during each and every one of those minutes this person you wanted would not want you and so you would begin to cry again and you’d watch yourself cry pathetically in the mirror until you couldn’t cry anymore, so you’d stop. -Dear Sugar, May 6, 2010
Losing love is like organ damage. It’s like dying. The only difference is, death ends. This? It can go on forever. -Ellen Pompeo, in “Grey’s Anatomy ”
We need, in love, to practice only this: letting each other go. For holding on comes easily; we do not need to learn it. -Rainer Maria Rilke, “Requiem For a Friend”
I couldn’t allow myself to think about her very long; if I had I would have jumped off the bridge. It’s strange. I had become so reconciled to this life without her, and yet if I thought about her only for a minute it was enough to pierce the bone and marrow of my contentment and shove me back again into the agonizing gutter of my wretched past. -Henry Miller, Tropic of Cancer
When you give someone your whole heart and he doesn’t want it, you cannot take it back. It’s gone forever. -Sylvia Plath
There’s nothing quite so humbling as thinking you’re completely over someone, then realizing you’re not even close. -Brian Strause, Maybe a Miracle
What I want to know is this: If love’s so great, why do you fall into it? You fall into a puddle. You fall into the mud. You fall into the abyss- Brian Strause, Maybe a Miracle
Desire leaves us heartbroken; it wears us out. -Ellen Pompeo, in Grey’s Anatomy
A woman is only destined to have her heart broken if she hands it over to someone too weak, too careless, or too distracted to hang on to it. -read in a Cosmo advice column
We really hate this fragile stage, when you’re like a broken window that’s been taped back together, poised to crash back to the floor as soon as the wind blows. You convince yourself you’re good as new when in fact you’re still a mass of shards. It’s so horribly pathetic and yet so brave at the same time-Mary D. Esselman
One thing I truly knew-knew it in the pit of my stomach, in the center of my bones, knew it from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, knew it deep in my empty chest-was how love gave someone the power to break you. -Stephenie Meyer, New Moon
I was like a lost moon-my planet destroyed in some cataclysmic, disaster-movie scenario of desolation-that continued, nevertheless, to circle in a tight little orbit around the empty space left behind, ignoring the laws of gravity. -Stephenie Meyer, New Moon
I try to date, but I take it so seriously. I am bad at having a casual relationship, so I kind of don’t. -Will Estes
What is the difference between love and obsession? Didn’t both make you stay up all night, wandering the streets, a victim of your own imagination, your own heartbeat? Didn’t you fall into both, headfirst into quicksand? Wasn’t every man in love a fool and every woman a slave?
Love was like rain: it turned into ice, or it disappeared. Now you saw it, now you couldn’t find it no matter how hard you might search. Love evaporated; obsession was realer; it hurt, like a pin in your bottom, a stone in your shoe. It didn’t go away in the blink of an eye. A morning phone call filled with regret. A letter that said, Dear you, good-bye from me. Obsession tasted like something familiar. Something you’d known your whole life. It settled and lurked; it stayed with you. -Alice Hoffman, The Ice Queen
You want to know what love is? It’s the thing that ruins you. -Alice Hoffman, The Ice Queen
… somehow I couldn’t stop. I had turned into someone that I would have pitied in another life; someone who searched for signs, who analyzed patterns, who went over every word in a conversation looking for hidden meanings, secret signals, the subtext that said, Yes, I still love you, of course I still love you. -Jennifer Weiner, Good in Bed
Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.-Anonymous
Why is it that we can’t always recognize the moment that love begins, but we always know when it ends? -Steve Martin, in LA Story
Nothing hurts worse than when the one you love doesn’t choose you. -from Grand Canyon
Love. Let me tell you about love. Either you love more or you love less, and the one who loves more ends up fucked. -Goldberry Long, Juniper Tree Burning
And then she realized that his presence was the wall, his presence was destroying her. Unless she could break out, she must die most fearfully, walled up in horror. And he was the wall. She must break down the wall. She must break him down before her, the awful obstruction of him who obstructed her life to the last. It must be done, or she must perish most horribly. -DH Lawrence, Women in Love
After all, there’s a reason they say that love is a two-edged sword, rather than a two-edged Wiffle bat or a two-edged Fudgsicle, because love is sharp, it pierces … it can also cut, cut deep, wound, kill. -Dean Koontz, Seize the Night
Love is the pursuit of shadows … -Margaret Atwood, Lady Oracle
Rejection is the greatest aphrodisiac. -Madonna
It’s the ones who resist that we most want to kiss, wouldn’t you say? -George Michael, “Cowboys and Angels”
The more you ignore me, the closer I get. -Morrissey, “The More You Ignore Me”
If only the strength of the love that people feel when it is reciprocated could be as intense and obsessive as the love we feel when it is not. -Ben Elton, Stark
You’re going to leave me, aren’t you? …you’ve had enough of me, haven’t you? You’re probably so tired of all this crying and all these moods, and I’ve got to tell you, so am I. So am I. Sometimes it seems like my mind has a mind of its own, like I just get hysterical, like it’s something I can’t control at all. And I don’t know what to do, and I feel so sorry for you because you don’t know what to do either. And I’m sure you’re going to leave me now. -Elizabeth Wurtzel, Prozac Nation