Apr 25, 2015 17:50
Drinks at 3am, movies at 10:30am, random facebook messages, bad parenting, oh and Bruce Jenner is a woman...
So last night I went to a friends house, it was beyond boring, we played cards of humanity and went home by 12:30am... my friend has this new girl hanging around, she's his ex, they aren't getting back together and she is unpleasant and not fun to be around. Her purpose in my life right now is completely pointless and I wish she'd go away. I have no respect for her because she's out partying all the time, meanwhile she has two children that are where I don't know, not being raised by her though. She brought a friend of hers who kept looking at my breasts the whole night.. and I kept thinking, "you do realize mine are the smallest in the room, right?" My friend got his number, the world is funny.
So I text other people while I'm there, and make tentative plans with two of my other guy friends. One is rolling face on ecstasy, which he took, alone. So that was out, I wasn't in the mood to be groped by an overly excited short Italian man. The other was my friend Sully. Sully is great but works till 3am and lives in Queens, which is a far hike from the Island when you're tired. So I went home. On the way home my best friend and I called one of my past lovers. We slept together one time and then the next day he invited me to a party that he brought a date to. I've wanted to hook up with him since but my pesky morals get in the way. He's living with a new girlfriend, who is way too young for him, that he just knocked up. He was all depressed and stressed, they're not keeping it. Today he called me to hang out. Is it weird that I'd jump at the chance of seeing him, but not if his girlfriend around, to me he'll always be mine, even if he isn't.
I watched Bruce Jenner's interview, apparently he's transitioning to become a woman, to me this isn't shocking or a problem or whatever, he wants to be a woman, send him onto the tv show Botched and buy him a Prada dress, do you BJ do you. Sully called me when he got off work but I let it go to voicemail and fell asleep.
I woke up to my phone buzzing at 10:30 in the morning, now I'd been up till well past 3am and did not appreciate anyone, friend, family, foe calling me at such an ungodly hour on a Saturday. I glanced at my phone and it was one of my girl friends, I angry texted her back saying "It's 10:30 on a Saturday, I'm sleeping." rolled over and fell back to sleep till about 5pm, guess I was more tired than I thought.
I wake up to a facebook message that reads as follows:
Chat Conversation Start
April 2015, 2015 4:34 pm
about an hour ago
Can u get blues? I need ten im.mobile
a few seconds ago
reallyyy? we don't talk for over a year and the first thing you do, no hi, no nothing, is ask me for drugs?
Sorry got a sick kid in trying to help
so take them to the doctor..
kids shouldn't be taking opiates theyre highly addictive.
Chat Conversation End
This annoyed me more than you know. I'm not a drug dealer! Why are you hitting me up after over a year, after you've gotten yourself a shiny new girlfriend to ask me to drug your child?! If I did this, and that child got addicted and OD'd on opiates in the future, it'd be on me, now my moral standing isn't all that high but that's too much even for me. There are seriously messed up people in the world. Seriously messed up. Your child is in pain? Take them to the doctor, don't pimp our your ex for highly addictive pain medication! ugh.
So I called the friend that woke me up at 10:30am back, turns out she wanted to go see Fast 7, she got free tickets, I asked her why this news needed to be broken so fucking early, she had no response. The movie is at 9:45 tonight...
bruce jenner,
fast 7,
bad parenting.