Jan 19, 2008 02:44
FYI, not like this wasn't already obvious, but the only people who can ever say anything motherly/fatherly to me w/o me getting insanely annoyed are:
1. my mom
2. my dad
3. angela
4. binoli
5. roomie
(I'm not including Stace bc she doesn't do that...she just knows).
Those are the ONLY people who are close enough to me to be able to say something to me and not have me take it the wrong way. Otherwise...shut up, and let me live my life. I somehow got by for 21 years w/o advice from people who barely know me on when to go to sleep, how to drive, etc...k tks. I'm too much of a "Miss Independent" to feel like my life is being monitored by ppl who I'm not insanely close to (see above list of people that qualify as being "insanely close" to me).