Jul 01, 2009 00:00

When I was writing this review on Word Document, I had to use BDCQ in place of the title constantly, just in case my parents accidently pulled it up (not really accidently, as they'd have to be snooping to open the file, but I wouldn't really put it past them! ^__^). This was a hard fic to review, because for every reason that I loved the fic, I had a another reason to upset me. I never say only good things about a fic because this isn't a place for advertising fanfiction, but a place to suggest good fics and give readers soem sort of lead towards certain types of fics. I wish I could make these faster, I really do. Anyway, once I get this thing up and running, I'd love for people to leave comments and let me know if my reviews were helpful or accurate.

Mult. Chapt.> Post-Hogwarts> Finished> NC-17 (seriously NC-17)

Title: Big Dick Come Quick
Author: Calanthe
Pairing: H/D
Rating: Plot: 4.5, Smut: 11, Average: 7.75 (yes, I know this isn’t really much of a rating, but once you read the story you’ll understand my difficulty in rating this fic)
Chapters: 18

Draco has a theory; a theory that perhaps lesser men might tremble at the thought of testing. What does this theory entail? One Harry Potter, one Draco Malfoy, a bed, and an unusually large appendage. However, despite Draco’s best efforts to remain objective throughout his experiment he soon finds that Potter’s charms (and his unusually large appendage) are becoming harder and harder to resist. A story about two men who cross into unfamiliar territory in an effort to make themselves whole, BDCQ pulls Harry and Draco into an unforgettable love story with unforgettable sex. Draco must give up the control and appearances that stand in his way of happiness and Harry must struggle with the burden of healing both of their most unfortunate pasts. On their road towards happiness both Draco and Harry learn the meaning of sacrifice, trust, and generosity. They learn the difference of living for themselves, and living for each other. They learn what it is to be in love, and all that that powerful feeling entails.

BDCQ is an interesting fic to review. It is obvious (though perhaps not from the beginning) that Calanthe’s main focus of the fic is not the plot, but how to get two people into bed with each other as quick and as often as possible. Those fans that’re looking for phenomenal smut with cute scenes in between are sure to enjoy this fic. There is no end to the sex or the kinks that’re packed into this fic. As the title suggests, much of BDCQ revolves around a certain appendage and the various ways that Draco finds use for it and its owner (he finds many, as he is surprisingly creative). BDCQ has a lack luster plot that starts off strong but begins to scatter later in the fic. There is no real climax or overall plot at the end; instead Calanthe focuses on the long and very much detailed sex scenes.

Not to say that this fic is missing all the important necessities of a story. Although the plot is lacking, the characterization is beautiful. Harry and Draco are portrayed very well, and their personalities are consistent throughout the entire fic. Calanthe doesn’t make a big ordeal over describing them, but instead allows their actions, words, and dialogue reveal their personalities simply. Calanthe’s Harry and Draco are very much concrete characters that are portrayed with a lot of skill. Draco is especially well filled out, with a distinct personality that could very well be one of the depictions of him most like the Draco from the Harry Potter series, albeit, all grown up. Harry is no less well thought out, although he has acquired quite a bit of charm since he left Hogwarts, as he is quite charismatic and perceptive in this fic. Characterization is a difficult art to master (more difficult than portraying plot, in my opinion), but Calanthe makes the task look easy. It is obvious that BDCQ’s plot lacks not because Calanthe doesn’t have the ability, but because she had no intention of making it the selling point of the fic.

Although the large quantity and great quality of sex in BDCQ is certainly an attraction, there is no end to the amount of love Harry and Draco have for each other in this fic. Often, Calanthe tries to portray Draco’s feelings through the touching and thoughtful gifts he gives to Harry, as well as certain sacrifices he makes to accommodate his new relationship with the Boy Who Lived. Harry is certainly more open and frank about his feelings (and thus, he doesn’t have to really spend too much time showing his love through actions), but despite his openness, he is constantly trying to show Draco the depth of his feelings. Although the sex can sometimes become rough, ultimately, Harry and Draco feel such a deep amount of trust from one another that they allow their sex life to dabble in more of the brutal side of it. Still, Calanthe makes it clear that their healthy sex life is merely a physical representation of their feelings for one another, no matter how bruising the results of their lovemaking is!

It should be said, that although not much effort is expanded into the plot of BDCQ, it certainly doesn’t make it a boring read. It’s hard to describe, as the fic starts off with a pretty strong plot, with the events of the timeline spaced closely together. Towards the middle, however, the plot turns almost into small one shots that are all part of one world. To describe it more accurately, although BDCQ starts off with the plot revolving around Harry’s and Draco’s budding relationship and the obstacles they overcome to come together, towards the middle of the fic the story takes on a different timeline. Events in the chapters are spread further apart from one another, almost as if Calanthe is writing only the most interesting parts of their new life together. The end is even more scattered, almost as if Calanthe is running out of ideas on what to write about, and I believe this is a direct result of the scattered plot. Without a considerable climax, or at the very least a concrete plot, there can be no real conclusion. If a reader is looking for a smutty fic that can be read with multiple breaks this is a great match. Readers who look for an in depth plot may want to steer clear, but only if they have a more preferable option open.

I have a few complaints, as much of BDCQ are elements that I absolutely love or dislike (I hate nothing of this fic, but I do have my complaints, I always do). Of course, as I’ve mentioned before, there is an issue with the underdeveloped plot. I won’t continue with that thread, I’ve already discussed it at length. Furthermore, although I love the sex scenes with every fiber of my slashy-being, I must say, there is quite a lot of it. Almost too much. There were times when I simply had to take a break because I was beginning to get bored. Not with the sex so much as the fact that nothing else was happening. If I read too many sex scenes in a row I’d become anxious for them to be over, just hoping that something in the story would progress. I’ve always been a firm believer that reading about sex, like having sex, is always better if there is some sort of build up (not just in the foreplay kind of way, but in the emotional kind of way). You lose this almost immediately, of course, as the two main characters almost instantly jump into bed with one another in the beginning. Calanthe puts very little angst in the fic, I believe, for a reason, but I definitely eat that stuff up, and I missed it in this fic. I have two other very small complaints, mostly just in passing. First, there was a distinct lack of other character appearances throughout this fic, which could have made it a bit easier to read, and ultimately, more realistic. Second, Voldemort’s defeat, and Harry and Draco’s part in that defeat, don’t come up for a while, and also, is only mentioned in passing. Voldemort’s impact on their lives, although portrayed occasionally in Harry’s longings for a family, doesn’t actually seem to have any real important impact on their lives. Truth be told, it through me for a loop when I realized how little Voldemort and his defeat seemed to be mentioned in the fic.

In conclusion, although BDCQ has its setbacks, it’s a fic worth reading. Best read in small parts, or chapter by chapter (in my opinion), BDCQ is a story that will be well remembered by readers. It has intense and explicit sex scenes with in depth and beautiful love making scenes. Whether it is rough or gentle, all sex between Harry and Draco is well worth reading. Although the plot is underdeveloped and occasionally exasperating, Calanthe makes up for it with her simple but cunningly portrayed characters. Calanthe’s characterization is some of the best I have seen and I look forward to reading her other works. BDCQ is a fic that some readers may look down upon due to it’s stilted plot line, but it is a story well worth noting and well worth reading. I think that every Harry/Draco fan should try it out, at the very least, as it is certainly a Harry/Draco classic.

He looked up into Harry's face and licked his lips quickly before beginning. "I've got a theory. I can't tell you what it is because that would invalidate the results."

"Uh huh," Harry replied, suspiciously.

"We're not friends,"

"No shit," Harry murmured before Draco continued.

"And I don't want you ruining my experiment because we don't like each other."

"I see," said Harry, looking suspiciously like he didn't see at all. "But what's your experiment got to do with the size of my penis, or can't you tell me that either?"

Draco beat the twin urges to shuffle in his seat and groan aloud. He was very proud of his self-control. Instead, he leaned forward and placed his hands flat against the table top, leaning towards Harry in an unmistakably confrontational manner. "I need to have sex with you."

-Big Dick Come Quick, chapter 1

Reviews by Other Readers:
john smith
[ Date 2008-11-13 ] [ Review ID 51982 ] [ Chapter 16 ]
“Love stories generally have a pattern -- meeting, perhaps some conflict, love, lots more conflict, and in the last chapter, union. This story started off with a bang. Then a lot of smut and a bit of conflict, and then love. But union came very early, and after that, the story did not have enough conflict to sustain it. Kind of became sappy. I have only read up to chapter 16 so far, but the last few chapters was where it got a little slow. I think you have the potential to be a great writer though.”

Narcissa Black
[ Date 2006-09-10 ] [ Review ID 33902 ] [ Chapter 18 ]
“All right then, confessions first. I have now read this story, in its entirety, 3 times without leaving you a single review. There are so many facets of the story that are incredible: the humour, the sex, the dialogue and characterizations, and lastly, by clearly not the least, Harry's cock. I have read a lot of fanfic, but I have never been drawn back to a story as I have with yours… I must congratulate you because although there is a plot, the draw is your wonderful writing. Brilliant.”

[ Date 2006-05-19 ] [ Signed Review ] [ Chapter 12 ]
“I got this link from a yahoo group and was hooked the moment I read the title- the moment. Now I am left completely speechless. The sex... holy hell, the sex was unbelievably good and very well written. Honestly, it is a breath of fresh air to read smut that isn't repetitive. I've gotten tired of reading the same clichés and this- this was so refreshing. But even though I could go on and on about the delicious smut scenes, I have to admit that it was the romance that truly hit me hard. The way that you've built Harry and Draco's relationship is amazing in its ability to be so very real. Also, as it is impossible to write a *completely* canon character in fan fiction, you have come the closest to painting the Harry and Draco whom I like to imagine. Their personalities are beautiful. I love that Harry is insanely powerful without being one of those cliché Super!Harry characters that get to be a bit boring (not that that's stopped me from continuing to read them!). Draco is superb. He had grown so lovely throughout the chapters while still echoing that Malfoyness that's so innately part of him. I personally have a thing for a submissive Harry, but Draco is so hot! And I enjoy the role swapping in the bedroom 'cause it sates my Sub!Harry kink quite a bit, though you've now converted me with new love for a dominant Harry.”

That's all for now, I think I'll review another Mult. Chap. and hten maybe a one shot or two! On a personal note, my cousin and her side of the family is coming in on Thursday, I'm pretty excited about it.
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