May 15, 2005 15:56
so this weekend was okayyy...emm..friday..went to my sisters soccer game..i was supposed to have pract. but i didnt because of the gay we dropped my sister off at her friends then we came back and watched the pistons loose agan ughhh..but they did make a good comebackk..reggie millar is gay...i hate him lol..anywaysss so i fell asleep on the couch then went to bed.... saturday i woke up and got ready for soccer..mal picked me up and we watched like mike on the way there lol..then we got some red bull=D and Mal got Amp so we could get energized..lets say the game sucked reallllllly badd...i did awful and some of my team were standing in front of me and i couldnt see it was awfull...mal did awesome though and she scoredd..anyways good job all you guyss...came home..i was so stressed form the game...went to church and i felt better..after we just hung around and watched TV...then i went to i woke up and got my sister ready for her dress rehersal for dance...she did really good on her hip-hop dance..then she had like 2 dances in between her next one so i had to rush and get her ready was funny..she did good her 2nd time but she messed up at a part..but its alrightt...shes like one of the best oness...i was at that thing forever so i was getting pissed because Pistons were we got home in like the 1st quarter..i knew they were gonna win because Sheed guarnteed in so yeah..they killed i am in a very good moodd...and my mom and paul are coming home today after there like 2 week vacation from..Paris..Prauge..and i shall be getting some giftsss =D so anywaysss im doen updating and im gonna go do some stuff before they come home..they just landed soooo...Peace outttt D-Townnnnnnn haha im PIMPP lol
i want aloooottt of comments since i never get emm..well i get some but stilll