(no subject)

Mar 23, 2005 20:43

[x] pager: nope
[x] are you center of attention or a wall flower: both at times
[x] What type of automobile do you drive: don't drive
[x] would you rather be with friends or on a date: friends
[x] do you have a job: no
[x] do you attend church: ya
[x] do you like being around people: ya
[x] who is your role model: ? dont got one i would rater look up to having my own life
[x] have you ever liked someone you had no chance with:dah

[x] have you ever cried over the opposite sex: ya
[x] do you have a "type" of person you always go after: no

[x] have you ever lied to your best friend: uh...
[x] ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: ya
[x] rather have a relationship or a "hookup": relationship
[x] want someone you don't have right now: ya
[x] ever liked your best girl friend:ewww no
[x] do you want to get married: ya
[x] do you want kids: ya
[x] what is your favorite part of your physical appearance: eyes

[x] are you happy with you:some what
[x] are you happy with your life: some what
[x] if you could change something in your life right now, what would it be: my parents came back together
|x| A compliment you got that made you blush: from cameron last week
|x| What makes you happy: friends, kitty, family
|x| Upsets you: lots of stuff

Last person--

[ you touched ]: my kitty
[ you talked to ]: my mom
[ you hugged ]:my kitty
[ you Instant messaged ]: michaels sis
[ you yelled at ]: my brother
[ who broke your heart: ?
[ kissed ]: my kitty DUH

+ name: chel_c
+ school: banks.
+ eyes: blue/green
+ hair: brown
+ height: 5'7" .
+ shoe size: 8
+ who lives with you: mom,brother and kitty
+ when is your bedtime: uuh don't really have one..

+ flown on a plane: yea
+ ever been so drunk you blacked out: no.
+ missed school because it was raining: no
+ told a guy/girl that you liked them: yea
+ put a body part on fire for amusement: noo
+ had a crush on a friends girlfriend/boyfriend: yea
+ been hurt emotionally: yea.
+ kept a secret from everyone: ya
+ had an imaginary friend: yeaa when i was little
+ wanted to hook up with a friend: yea.
+ cried during a movie: ya
+ cut your hair: yea
+ had a crush on a teacher: ewww. no

+ shampoo: this one
+ fav colour: pink
+ day/night: night.and day
+ summer/winter: summer
+ lace or satin: satin
+ fav movies: to many
+ fav drink: coke
+ fave person to talk in person: many people
+ person to talk to on the phone: eash, carolyn
+ person to talk to online: people?
+ favorite person to talk to in general: ne 1

+ wearing: pajamas
+ eating: nothing
+ drinking: nothing
+ listening to: 9.31

+ cried: yes
+ worn jeans: yes
+ met someone new online: nooo
+ done laundry: nope.
+ drove a car:no
+ talked on the phone:YUP

+ yourself: some what
+ your friends: YES
+ santa clause: uh.... ya jk no :(
+ tooth fairy: HECK NO shes stupy
+ destiny/fate: yes
+ angels: yes
+ ghosts: no, but spirits i do
+ UFO's: no

+ do you ever wish you had another name: ya some times
+ do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend: no
+ do you like anyone: nope
+ which one of your friends acts the most like you: ?
+ Which friend have you known the longest: emily
+ are you close to any family members: my brother.
+ who do you go to for stuff: mom .
+ who do you hang around the most: eash
+ what's the best feeling in the world: the feeling of u affected some 1 in a good way
+ worst feeling: that you hurt someone.

First best friend: carolyn
First real memory of something: ?
First car: --
First job: --
First screen name: skibunny91
First self purchased album: blankee
First concert: britney spears
First funeral: ?
First pet:crystal ann
First presidential candidate you voted for: --
First piercing/tattoo: my ears
First house/apartment: in my old old sub
First credit card: ---
First love: kyle r
First enemy: ?

Last good cry: psh, i have no good cries

Last movie seen: ?
Last cuss word uttered: bitch .
Last beverage drank: diet pepsi
Last food consumed: chicken
Last crush: uuh david.
Last phone call: my mom lol
Last tv show watched: general hospital
Last shoes worn: sandles
Last annoyance: brother.
Last disappointment: ?
Last soda drank: diet coke
Last thing written: english no MATH
Last words spoken: i just said shut up just for this gay thing
Last sleep: last night.
Last IM: lilperti4

ya, i so stole this from marleys lj
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