Title: It's Hard to Kill A Bad Thing
alldoubtaboutitRating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Chekov/Sulu, Kirk
Warning: deals with human trafficking (in relation to the sex trade), corruption
Word count: 8,571
Type: Sequel to
Love and Mathematics.
Summary: A strange lump formed in Sulu's throat as he imagined that it would be the moment he was forced to
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Comments 24
This? Was absolutely epic. I love stories like this, though/because I don't often write them, ones that combine the thrilling adventure we love from the canon universe with themes of relationship and love from slash fiction. This is a sterling example of that genre, with tricky problems, awesome feats, psychological realism, and well-rounded OCs. I am in awe.
Actually I kind of stole the Orion Syndicate idea from a comment on a post on ontd_startrek asking people what they wanted to see in the next movie, where the commenter said she wanted to see something of the Orion Syndicate. And I wanted to continue with the idea of Star Trek dealing with prickly issues and at the same time be...optimistic about our future. Thanks for commenting!
"Jim, you'd better come back, or I'll whoop your ass. In fact, I'll whoop your ass anyway."
That made me almost cry. And the baby, god.
Anyway, I'm freaking speechless to be honest. It was great. Fantastic. Brilliant. Epic. Other synonyms for awesome.
And Demora!!!
Erm, anyway...
So I've seen you talking about this on my flist for days, and I've been all ~anticipating~ it, and then finally I get to read it and I'm all :D because it's the most heartbreakingly beautiful thing ever, ever, and I love it.
"I know, I read about it in a book you lent me, remember? Called 'I Know You Got Soul'. Can I try?" he asked.
Yay! And haha omg I think I made way too many posts angsting about this.
...you know, I don't like it as well, and didn't really realise that I ended up writing them this way. Hahah personal!fail. But yeah I guess part of what I was trying to do with Sulu and Kirk in this was to make them really American/chivalrous in a way, like they see it as their duty to protect every single person out there, but in the end Chekov is the only one who hasn't completely broken down and saves them with his badassery. :)
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