Two Quick!Fic Request Fills

Jan 12, 2014 09:39

Title: Wedding Bells
Author: spacebromance
Rating: FRT, for language and implied sexual content.
Pairings: Chekov/Sulu
Warning: Decline to list warnings.
Type: Short. Complete.
Summary: Chekov and Sulu get married.

( Pavel proposes to Hikaru.)

Title: Skinned Knees
Author: spacebromance
Rating: FRT, for language.
Pairings: Pre-Chekov/Sulu
Warning: Decline to list warnings.
Type: Short. Complete.
Summary: Hikaru is twelve, and it's his responsibility to look after the eight-year-old neighbor kid, Pavel, during dinner parties.

( Hikaru is twelve years old.)

fanfiction, star trek: xi, rating: pg-13

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