Trek Ship Olympics

Feb 18, 2011 14:53

Calling Trek Fans, the readers, the artists, the vidders, the writers and anyone that’s ever chortled at a redshirt joke when the rest of the room completely missed that reference. We want you if you write crack or slash or het or femmeslash. We want your tentacle-porn art and your tear-jerking TOS fan mixes. We want your vids and we want your catalogue of delicious recs that would make a librarian weep for joy. We want your enthusiasm for, we want your love of, and we want your devotion to Star Trek.

Yeah you, the skeptic in the back-we want you too, we want the lurker to your left and the giddy fan to the right. We want your friends and their friends and anyone that’s ever wanted to try it out just once. We want whoever wants to come play because we’re having a party and it’s going to be loud and bright and just overflowing with ripped shirts and lens-flares.

You know you want to, we want you to and since everyone wants to-click the banner.

Ship Olympics
Go for the Gold, Stay for the Orgies*
*Ship Olympics encourages the practice of safe and loud fandom-wide orgies, please party responsibly.


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