Title: Let Fortune Turn Her Wheel
Pairing: Chekov/Sulu
Rating: R
Word Count: ~22,000
Status: Complete
Warnings: character death, angst, lolscience
Summary: A solitary man in his seventies, Pavel Chekov hasn’t seen Hikaru Sulu in six years. That will change the night he gets a call from Starfleet’s temporal mechanics department.
Author Notes: Fill for the
Old Chekov, young Sulu prompt at the kink meme, which I’ll ‘fess up and admit was mine. When I posted the prompt, it truly was no more than a plotbunny I didn’t want to go to waste. Then a couple of weeks later, out of nowhere, I sat down at the computer and spewed a good forty percent of this story. Funny how the mind works! Anyway, feedback is humbly appreciated.
“He won’t talk to anyone but you.”