Title: Proving Ground (The Rush of Blood Remix)
brighteyed_jillPairing: Sulu/Chekov with implied others
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 16,500
Warnings: hazing, threats of physical and sexual violence, actual violence and mayhem, general mirror!verse nastiness. Highlight for specific possible squicks:
mention of attempted non-con, mild bloodplay, paddling, spanking, implied underage, mentions of torture, forced nudity, attempted murder.
Notes: Written for the
issenterprise Mirror!verse Remix Challenge. Inspired by
echoinautumn’s incredibly delightful
Rush Week. Thanks to
vellum for the beta and
jaune_chat for all the pep talks.
Summary: Pavel Chekov has a plan to join the most prestigious fraternity at the Imperial Academy. Despite the brothers’ rigorous system of testing new recruits, Chekov is determined to prove himself worthy, no matter the cost.
He’d begun unpacking his books-Sun Tsu’s The Art of War, Machiavelli’s The Prince, Fyedorovna’s latest treatise on modern torture methods-when a shadow darkened his doorway. Chekov turned to face the intruder, casually dropping his hand to within easy reach of his knife.