Fucking Pills..............

Jul 17, 2010 12:06

What the FUCK is going on...

Casey is back in full fledged swing with his drug addictions. The other night he was so fucked up he couldn't even stay awake thru "blades of glory", kept making me rewind it and pause it while he chain-smoked cigarettes. Later Shomock and Jesse came over to buy a bag off casey. Shomock only bought a five with a twenty, put the change back in his wallet and we continued to chill. No one moved off the couch and when Shomock went to leave, all the money was out of his wallet. It couldn't have been his best friend, Jesse, and he KNEW it wasn't me... so it had to have been the kid strung out on Xanax like a fucking ZOMBIE. About an hour went by without the situation getting too escalated. Jesse and I were skeptical to believe it was Casey because Shomock loses everything, but after Shomock went over the details there was only only explanation. I decided to stay out of this because it was none of my business AND i wasn't a suspect. As soon as I went to bed, Shomock decided to say something and do something about it. I heard massive words flying like "your a fucking liar" and "you piece of shit" and eventually "if you have a problem with me we can take this outside". I came out of my room to watch the carnage unfold... and it was a lot scarier than I had thought. Shomock socked casey in the eye and casey shoved the bike at him to try to fend him off. Eventually Casey jumped over the porch to get away and Shomock followed him down the street, shoving and swearing at him. Casey was gone for about twenty mins to go pick up his biggest pill-head of a friend, Justin. I stayed awake until they got home so I could lock up the house because god knows they weren't coherent enough to do so themselves. Once they got back, they were both really really fucked up, barely walking, stumbling into everything, moving like a sloth. I decided to just go the fuck to bed and forget this horrible night.

Apparently while I was asleep, Casey called Sean in the middle of the night saying in a slurred and mumbled tone, "Hey Sean... its Casey... come pick us up. Justin crashed his car. We're at 75 and Motorcity..." That intersection makes NO sense so casey said he'd call him back once he knew where he was. A few mins later, Casey calls back a second time, but addresses it as if it were the first time "Hey Sean... its Casey... come pick us up. Justin crashed his car. We're at 75 and Motorcity..."...............

At about 8 or 9 in the morning, Casey comes into my room and says "Andrea, I can't sleep... do you got anything I can take to help me fall asleep?" I ask him why the fuck he can't fall asleep because he was falling all over himself, almost passing out while walking... and he told me he had taken a bunch of Mali and couldn't sleep... When i reacted ".... Are you fucking SERIOUS?!" he said "no i'm just kidding...." and closed my door.

I woke up at about 11 and both the front door and the back door were WIDE open, Justin passed out on the couch, casey in his room. They both were asleep until about 2 pm. Sean and I had a talk in the backyard about the whole situation and we're on the same page. We love this kid, but we can't keep babying him and letting him get this ridiculous free ride when all he does is get fucked up, get my bike stolen, and ask for favors from me that he most usually gets. Sean yelled at Justin and said he was no longer welcome in our house... later Justin had migrated to the backyard and I came out right before I went to work and yelled at him, saying I don't care if you're waiting for a ride, you can wait down the street and I don't ever want to see you around my house again. He yelled back, getting major attitude saying that he was chilling with casey and it was none of my business... so I cussed him out a little and locked him out of the house.

Casey didn't get out of his bed until the next morning. He looked like utter and complete hell. He's been fucking up on and off ever since. I can't do this anymore. This morning I woke up to notice a little orange pill in the middle of my floor. It was one of my mega-intense sleeping pills from when I was sick. Sean hadn't told him that I had those, neither had I. I haven't touched that bottle since the last time I gave a pill to sean or dave... which has been 7 months from now. This kid is going thru my room and stealing my shit. He's fiending for drugs and poor sean really doesn't have the heart to kick him out.

We really can't keep living like this and god KNOWS I can't sign a YEAR LONG LEASE with this kid. We haven't even lived with him for 4 months and he's already back into drugs. He fucks up once and he's going to jail and we're out of a roommate. We can't risk that. Especially with all this behavior lately. He's Dunzo at 699 Antoinette. I need to get him out NOW.
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