Jun 06, 2009 08:35
The System Manager has been rather silent lately.
Maybe he's gone with the rest of those who disappeared.
...Maybe he's dead.
More people have been showing up lately. I have neglected to introduce myself to them, so I suppose I shall do it here. Yes, hello, my name is Rand, good to meet you all, so terrible you're here, etcetera, etcetera...
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Gin Ichimaru checking in for what looks like a long haul.
Hopefully we will find a way out soon. As the one who has been here, I believe, the longest of any other... "resident", one can truly be driven crazy in here.
May I call you Gin? Just Rand is fine for me.
Sounds like an interesting place but it seems you haven't lost it yet. How long?
It'd be more proper to call me Ichimaru but I suppose it doesn't matter around here since we're all going to become very close.
Months now. I haven't been paying attention to the calendar lately. Three? Maybe four?
Ah, my apologies. I am afraid I am not well-versed in the customs of the world you come from, wherever that may be. If you'd prefer it I'll call you Ichimaru.
That ain't so long, is it really that boring around here? That would be bad, idle hands and all that.
I think I'd prefer that for the time being.
Well, when it's not boring, people are trying to kill each other. Between the two, time seems to go by rather slowly here.
All right, I'll be sure to do that, then, Ichimaru.
Oh my, how scary~
Things have been quiet lately, but there's no telling when someone will snap again. Be on your guard.
I will certainly heed your advise and be sure to keep a watchful eye.
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