Mar 20, 2020 08:41
Fred Meyer announced shopping hours for people who are old or sick. Since I'm old, I thought it would be smart to take advantage -- we are the first people let in the store. I also had not been in a grocery store more than once since the shit started to hit the fan.
They still have enough sani wipes for carts; it's probably a good thing the alcohol evaporates fast enough that they can't be usefully stolen.
Produce looked pretty normal, though they still have a lot of cabbage from St. Paddy's Day left over. I bought Russets and bananas and a bag of Cuties. A young woman gave me a genuine smile as she stocked. I said, "This looks pretty normal," to which her reply was "Yeah, its been kind of nice the last couple of days."
Imagine, as I saw it described, the two days before Thanksgiving in the grocery business -- day after day after day. Supply is not down (so far, anyway); demand is irrationally high.
Not a lot of beef in the case, but pork and chicken and frozen stuff well stocked. Bread abundant. I bought a loaf of Franz GF Great Seed for the freezer just in case. Wines and beer are WELL supplied. Cold cuts are completely wiped out. Dairy good. Junk food topped off. Water aisle a bit sparse but stocked. Still no bleach or Lysol or wipes. One brand of paper towels (Kroger) in plain white, with about 6 cases in evidence. I bought a pack of 6 rolls since we only had 1 roll left.
No flour, little sugar, no regular yeast. They did have nutritional yeast, which is no good for baking. There was Fleischman's Pizza Crust Yeast, not recommended for bread, of which I had never heard, but since that's what Kevin wanted yeast for, I thought it a happy accident and bought two strings of 3 pouches.
People watching the distance between themselves is a good thing.