Aug 17, 2013 08:26
So many of my dreams are about trying to get somewhere and being frustrated at every turn. This morning was no exception.
I was on some kind of business trip. I needed to get back to Kansas City but had no way back. I had no money. I walked around this huge mall and stopped outside a bank, but it was noon and there were a hundred or more people in line.
I was planning to rent a car to drive us back, but although there was a big Hertz office in the mall parking lot, I couldn't get in. Then I was in a travel agency, though I had to sneak through some side door to get in. A woman welcomed me and asked me to sit down on a sofa, where two other women were sitting and watching TV. The woman made me uncomfortable, reaching out to stroke the vitiligo on my cheek and pointing out my blotchiness to the other two. I asked for a flight between "here" (wherever that was) and MCI. She tapped on some keys and then there was this computer display on the floor in front of the fireplace. She said, "I'm sorry, there's nothing." I asked if there weren't a nonstop, maybe a direct flight? I asked her to please not make me hop three or four times.
Then I was in some back-of-the-house hallway in the mall or some big building, and I was watching some kind of slime washing down a big ramp. I was strategizing for how I was going to get through the airport naked.
Then I woke up.