Sifting through...

Jul 14, 2006 19:07

Yesterday I spent a fair amount of time sifting though stuff... Piles of stuff... Since my knee was not being cooperative, I only sifted through a small pile of stuff and the rest will have to wait till later, but it's a start. Should have been doing this all along since March, but I am the world's biggest procrastinator. I only went through the stuff that I needed to go through to set aside for Dan what he had asked for so it will be ready for him to pick up on Sunday when he comes to get it.

It was enough... Pictures... Music... Video tapes... Objects... Also came across Dan and my certificate of union and the full text of the ceremony... sad... Came across the picture CD that Dan had made for my brother's wedding last year. Of course, then I got sad again... He made a couple quick videos from the reception as well... Me doing the Chicken Dance and the Electric Slide in my spiffy tux... I'm such a geeky dancer... My wedding album is sitting, untouched, under the end table...

So then I had to hunt through other stuff to find the toast I gave at my brother's wedding since I was the best man... I was either such a hipocrite, or I knew exactly what was happening with us at that time and I wanted to make damn sure I told the newlyweds what they needed to be doing to keep things on the right track... Probably a little of both... I remember the toast making people cry... I remember her mother actually talking to me for the first time all week after that toast, thanking me... I remember how my father seemed to be surprised how such lovely sentiments could come from me... I remember getting all choked up while attempting to give the toast...

I also remember how happy, yet surprised people were that I handled my best man duties so well during the week of the wedding... Not sure why they were surprised... I did plan and organize our commitment ceremony and I did know what I was doing... My brother had everything he needed, even if he didn't know he was going to need it... a handkerchief for during the ceremony... a clean undershirt, a lint brush, mints and I even made sure he had something nice to wear under his clothes for afterward since he didn't even think of that... His bachelor party was a full day affair that I organized from 150 miles away, several months in advance, and though the Indians didn't win the baseball game, we all made it there, tickets in hand, had a good time and then played games and ate munchies at Dave and Busters...

All in all, that was a good time, even though the process by which I arrived at reminiscing about it was kinda sad...


Stay Safe,

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