Third time is the charm

Apr 28, 2008 18:17

So here I am again making a go at this whole posting thing. So to sum up the last ugh year and a half: quit job found new job quit new job and now looking for next new job. There quick and dirty. I have discovered that being a full time chef leaves very little in the way of time for anything else. Furthermore being a chef makes me like cooking less and less everyday so in order to save my love of cooking I have decided to go back into IT.

Yes believe it or not IT had better hours than cooking and well I want a life not just a job. So off to the land of unemployment and the hunt for and IT job begins.

On other fronts I have decided to take my up my wife's challenge to just sit down and write it myself. I have discovered that my wife does not write fast enough to keep up with the many book ideas I have and well if I ever want to see some of these ideas in print I either have to find another writer to pimp them out to or write them myself. Now it might come as a shock to most people out there but most writers have enough ideas of their own and don't need any one else to suggest ideas to them. I know what a shock, I was surprised too!

Needless to say one of the ideas that I came up with last year and I even went so far as to outline the chapters and everything has decided that it wants to be written now. So I have started to write my fist book.

It is very interesting to write a book when you have for years run role playing games. In my mind the npcs are always there the setting is there and what I am waiting for is the pcs to fill in the great big grey blobs that represent the pcs to be filled in by the players.

I know it sounds weird but that is how I have always pictured my games. So for some strange reason instead of waiting on the pcs to show up and play all the characters are moving around in my head without any external prompting from the anyone else.

Makes writing a story a bit easier I think. :)

So anyway I sat down today and wrote 2100 words and well I have to make dinner so I think I will stop for the day.

On the food front meatloaf tonight. I love a good meatloaf and well they are just so easy to make.

And while I have to go up to Dublin for the next couple of days to help my in-laws move I am going to take my laptop with me and try and get a little writing done between heavy lifting.

Wish me luck I am going in.

word count to date: 2144
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