Oh what you can do with pork!

Jun 20, 2006 18:31

Dinner tonight was smoked oyster joint of pork. I am going to have to pull out the books and figure out where the oyster on a pig is. Anyway I digress, the joint was boiled for about an hour to take off the excess salt flavor. This was done on direction of my mother-in-law, who had a chunk of ham/bacon over here and did not boil it and it resembled a salt lick. :P I then let it cool. Once cool to the touch I slathered it in my honey dijon garlic sauce. Oh with a dash of worcestershire sauce added . This I let sit for about a half hour or so and then put into a 220 Celsius oven for about 45 minutes. Basting with extra sauce twice.

To got with this was oven roasted potatoes with garlic and broccoli.

The dinner was brilliant, Catie wonders what she would be eating if she had not married me, probably mac and cheese.

I am quite please with the results, next on the menu is rolled and stuffed chicken breast.
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