May 24, 2005 14:36
Yay, I am bored right now. But for once I actually did some stuff yesterday. I had my first day off and I enjoyed it! Jaime and I went shopping because I had to get some shoes for work and I picked up a campo for my guitar so maybe I can learn some more songs or something on it. I also got to see Alychan for the first time in monthes and hang with her, Jaime, and Brock (her fiance) which was really awesome. I went and saw Star Wars Episode III and it wasn't half bad. I kinda laughed at all the wrong points (when Darth Vader takes his first breath in the mask and when Senator Abudalla sp? is all like "Hold me Anikan") But over all I had a great time. I do have to go into work today which tech. it is my day off but it is only for a little bit. For some strange reason my brother is all like "It's Your day off, tell them no and enjoy it!" I just don't think he understands how the industry works. You can't just say no and anyway it's not like I am not getting paid for it. Oh well. Well peace out to you all. Mwah!