I'm alive, but waaaaaaaaaaay too far behind

Jul 26, 2008 01:59

It's so hard to get back into the groove of things when you've been away so long.

Wedding was great, honeymoon was even better, road trip was interesting, computer broke, way too far behind.  That's the very short version.  I'll give you the boring, long version once I get pictures and once I get caught up/have time.

I think I'm nearly all caught up with the 
twiconathon.  Challenge Two starts Monday, so sign up if you haven't!  The first go went so well, and I'm so proud of my little bunch of makers.  This next one should be even better.

So apparently I missed the most pivotal three weeks of Twilight fandom acitvity ever.  All these new clips, articles, conferences, videos...ayi yi yi.  I am dying to see them all, and yet, so overwhelmed I've sean/read/heard nada.  I haven't even looked at my flist list in three weeks--I know I need to to see what I've missed, but GOOD LORD.  And Breaking Dawn comes out in a week or so, so I'll be even more behind.

My computer broke, fun times.  NEVER GET AN HP AND NEVER USE VISTA.  THEY SUCK.  My hard drive died after only 6 months, that's unheard of.  And now I'm crying and fighting with the Geek Squad to save as much of my programs, pics, music, movies, etc. as they can because I'll never get it all back.  That was 6 months of hardcore fandom collecting.  So, I'm on Chris's computer only at night when he gets home from work.  And most of that time is doing e-mail that I have to do, work correspondence, and maintaining the Twiconathon.  Chris leaves in a week for his training in FL so I'll really be in trouble if my computer is not repaired by then.  Although, he's been hinting he might fly me down for the week to stay with him as an early birthday present (I am a bit of a DW freak).  *crosses fingers*

Wow, this eneded up being a long post about nothing.

How have all you guys been these past three weeks?  I hope well!
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