To Whom it May Concern:

Oct 29, 2008 22:47


i have already voted.  Yes, i was a good girl and sent in my absentee ballot very early because it's in a battle ground state.  No, I did not go all "Boulder" and vote Green.  Yes, I diligently studied and voted on all the weird state and county amendments and propositions and resisted on electing someone simply because his name was "Jeep" or "Hummus" (and no, I'm not joking--those are real names).

So stop telling me to watch all the ads.  And read all the press.  And vote.  Because I already have.

And if you: A) tell me to vote for Obama because he lives in my city (that I'm not registered in to vote); B) tell me to vote for Obama because he and I are both minorities (News flash people, he's biracial so he's not fully African American.  So please, white supremisists stop trying to kill him.  And me, for the matter.) or C) tell me to vote for McCain because his VP candidate is a woman and we share the common fact that we have vaginas (and I like to think that's where the similarities end)...well, we can't be friends anymore.

Because the fact of the matter is I happen to not have white skin nor "twigs and berries" so you've now put me in a superficial clusterfuck that I can't worm my way out of without upsetting someone unless I find a minority woman or a hermaphrodite man of color worthy of a write in ballot.

And don't even get me started on the electoral college and the fact that because I wasn't born in the US I'm not enough of a citizen to run for presidency if I wanted to (must have something to do with the obvious brain washing the Koreans did to me as a baby in the orphanage).  Hmmm, I wonder if Bush's people reads this blog, I'll be put on the no-fly list?  It happened to my brother-in-law...

Ugh.  Can you tell I am sick and tired of Election Season?  I'm going into hiding until next Wednesday.  Actually, depending on who wins, I may be moving out of the country.  :P   But usually, for future reference, I make it a priority to avoid talking about religion, politics, and money with people--nothing but trouble.



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