Post Election

Nov 07, 2008 18:18

What happens after an election.  The party that loses becomes the focus of all the punditry and criticism and an endless pile of people saying I told you so.  When that happens a party has a couple of options and in 2004 the democrats took the loss as an opportunity ( Read more... )

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metalclarinet November 10 2008, 04:56:48 UTC
Several points.
0) Kerry actually came close to winning. One wonders what would have happened during this election if Kerry was the incumbent, the economy was in the toilet, and Afghanistan & Pakistan were near chaos.

1) Katrina and the war undercut the repups in 2006. Unfortunately, too many folks seem to think the surge is working. If Kerry has put all the resources into Iraq instead of Afghanistan, I imagine the repubs would have been brutal. On the other hand, if we 'lost honor' on Iraq, the repubs would have been brutal. No win.

2) If the financial melt down had not occurred until November 5, I suspect the election would have been extremely close. Despite the awful campaign we could be discussing how Palin and her allies were planning to ease out McCain -- possibly before the next election.

3) I still think Obama would have won, but only because he is the most charismatic politician since Reagan. Note that there is a whole generation of 40-50 Y.O. repubs who were swept into the party as idealistic college students. If Obama's presidency is halfway successful and if he is lucky in foreign policy, then the dems will be strong for a decade -- and in no way due to issues.

4) Unfortunately, a majority of the electorate have somehow disconnected what government does from how it gets paid for. They believe that cutting a few ear marks will solve the budget problems. Anyone who tries to tell them otherwise must be a socialist.


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