my current existence

Dec 06, 2006 17:49

Lots of things have/ are happening. On monday it was my birthday and also my court date. Here is why and how I ended up in court on my birthday. A while ago I was in my work truck at a stop sign, getting ready to turn left and a guy hit me. The cops and the ambulance came and cleaned everything up, noone was hurt much but my head was all painful for a little while. The cop decided that I was at fault, not based on anything in particular, but he thought I was sticking out in the lane. I wasnt but anyway. They said I had to go to court. I went to court, and I brought with me my 27 8x10 color glossy pictures with the circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what easch one was to be used as evidence to prove I waswnt guilty. I had drawing and even google maps satalite images of what the intersection looked like. I was pretty sure I was going to win. Well I got there and I was all ready and the cop said he needed witnesses and so they continued the case. the judge said he woudl continue it to december 4th, but I told him that was my birthday. He said that I could have another day but they hadnt given out the january days yet. He told me to go down the hall and fill out the form, and tell them he said it was ok. I filled out the form, and they said call back the next day at ten. I called, and they said my continuence was denied. I asked them whya nd they said the judge denied it. I told them that the judge said it was ok. The chickie on the phone went to check the records and told me she saw where the clerk had made a note that the judge said it was ok to have another date. She said that the judge who reviewed the little form I filled out, saw that too, and denied it anyway. Jerkface. So I went to court on my brithday. The cop stood up, they called my case and I stood up. I got ready to show the judge the 27 8X10 color glossy pictures with the circles and arrows, and since he wasnt blind I wasnt going to have to show them to the seeing eye dog, but I showed the doggy anyway. Well they called the witness of the case and he wasnt there so the cop turned to me and said "go home" and the judge said dismissed. So I was free to go, and I was all happy.

Later I went to my parents house to have birthday dinner and get presents. I got lots of great presents, maggie got me Spaceballs the two disc set dealie, and the 25th aniversary edition of London Calling by The Clash, which comes with the original LP and some extra stuff as well as a dvd and a book. I love the Clash so hurray> Danny gave me a huge NASCAR book with all kinds of pictures and even old ticket stubs and programs from important races. I love it. Mom and dad took me to a basketball game which the bullets won so yay. They also gave me a knife block that works like this : and that is super good for me. Some other assorted chakehs and also a duct tape wallet which is very good too.

I finally found an auto shop I like, thanks to Nute, which was a surprise that he knew anything. I am getting everything done to the monte that I want to have done to it. I am very happy about all that. The headers I got dont fit, but summit is exchanging them for me, so there is a delay but otherwise the car will be good to go very very soon and I am happy.

The world is in terrible shape but I dont have time for that now.
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