Aug 09, 2006 16:04
I would consider myself a democrat. What that means anymore I dont know. The party is in shambles. We have no leadership, no direction, and clearly no respect for ourselves as a party. The leiberman thing has me irritated. Not because he is running and could split the vote, but becausse he is helping to split the party. I think the democrats have about ten years left as a party and then will reorganize into two or three groups, incapable of getting anything done. I think I am a great example, I dont fit with all the party lines, I am at best a centrist, not because I believe in doing nothing, but because my conservative views and liberal views average out. I think there are a lot of people like me, who take things on an issue by issue basis. Today I saw a truck that had a stars and bars sticker, a NRA sticker, and a sticker that read "I vote pro choice" I love that truck and I applaud the guy who was driving it. I think a position on one issue does not preclude you form a position on a different issue. Just so we can be clear for some future discussions lets lay out some of my positions. Hopefully joe will be his usual self and challenge me on these and let me tear hima new one.
I am pro gun, I dont like controls that prevent people from protecting themselves
I am pro choice, people make mistakes and no child should have to pay for it, and no a little mass of cells is not a child
I love immigration, I think we should legally let as many people in as the labor market supports, but require them to work toward citizenship, including learning english and paying taxes and FICA
I am for universal health coverage and think we should get rid of the employer system gradually and work toward better covverage for all
I think we cant leave the mess we have created in iraq, nor do I think the current path is the right one, I want more troops, more bombs and a massive decisive victory that kills enough epople that we can get out of there without losing more american lives
Let israel be and let them defend themselves, they have no territorial ambitions so once they get their sercutity situated they will stop
thats it for now let the battle rage