lynndyreArt Rating: G
Pairing: Gen, Lucifer and Gabriel
Gift Type: Ficlet and picture
Notes: Merry Christmas love! I was so looking forward to making something for you, and I wish this had turned out better, but I quite like it anyway! If you want the high-res scan of just the pencil drawing, let me know and I'll email to you. This was for your prompts of Lucifer and Gabriel as true brothers, and angel-kitties.
Lucifer took a deep breath as he readjusted the box in his arms. This was the best way he could think to start winning back Gabriel's favour after all that he'd done. Gabriel had always been his most beloved younger brother, and it hurt to recall everything that had passed between them.
"Luci? Whatcha got there?" Gabriel asked, head tilted in curiosity.
"It's for you," Lucifer held out the box carefully, a small smile tugging at his lips as Gabriel's face lit up. "Go ahead and open it."
"ANGEL KITTIES!" Gabriel yelled in delight as the box flew open, revealing a winged cat and three kittens. "You're the best, Lucifer!"
"Merry Christmas Gabriel," Lucifer smiled at his brother - who was already on the ground, kittens climbing all over him.