Ed Groat filled mason jars with homemade glue.
“Yeah, a little beeswax, some honey. A few drops of kerosene. Some benzene.” He said, “Add about a cup of tar, some rose hips. A few parsnips. Some collared greens.”
His hands told a larger story. A gesticulated scene complete with stirring actions, shaking, mixing, syllabic emphasis, and gusto.
Ed said, “Five egg yolks in that somebitch, not the white, the yolk,” he said. “A piece of yarn, and some Polygrip, and that somebitch is ready.”
Ed Groat, by trade, was a bricklayer, but always had an inventive streak. He had found
alternative fuels to
heat his house, and would later find himself on the cutting edge of fashion with his
deer skin unitard, and coonskin cap. But being a bricklayer, Ed Groat knew how to make things stick, and right now he was looking to invent a polymer based adhesive.
“Use it on
shoes and
canoes, Jack,” Ed said.
William Comparetto
© 2006