Makin Bacon 2

Oct 04, 2011 00:11

The experiment was a huge success.

I would definitely try this again, but for the time being I have about 3 lbs which I am hoping will last more than a couple of weeks. This bacon didn't taste like anything else that I've ever had. It was simply amazing. Very meaty, with the right amount of fat, full of flavour, and no smoke at all. Now I love food as is evident from the overwhelming number of posts. Rarely do I ever rave. I used it to make a frisee salad.

This weekend, I'll just have it with an egg white omelette.

I will back off on the salt the next time just because I tend to be hypersensitive. The two things that I have made this year which turned out utterly amazing were so simple.

The other was lemon possette.

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