Sep 19, 2011 03:53
the dawn is here . . . well almost.
Back into that pesky pattern of falling asleep early (not hard to do after reading to a 6 year old who mumbles "cuddle" like its a command) and waking up in the middle of the night. It has not been to0 bad since in LA middle of the night means 1 or 2 am and at home it's a bit better. This weekend before I've managed to sleep until 4:30 or 5:00 am except for today. No, today I had to wake up at 3 am.
Reading about the mob in Cuba is not providing the lulling that I would like. However, it's too dark to go looking for another book.
What is most surprising is that by now Sugar would have noticed that I am missing, would have found me, and be snoozing in the office waiting for me to head back to bed.
One more chapter then hopefully zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.