Jul 22, 2007 20:26
Went to watch HP5 yesterday with my dad and uncle. The movie was okay but I couldn't really hear the dialog very well and the battle was very blinding... I had to squint my eyes because of the stupid red and blue. The boy watching the movie was so cute. "I SAW COVER MY EYES MOM." Lmao. Then we went to Demetre and I ate a frozen hot chocolate and shared a here comes the fudge'd with my uncle. Lol, he kept laughing at all the weird dessert names. Then later I went to watch a DRIVE IN with my cousins and my other uncle and aunt. Waved at some random stranger guy and he waved back. But... when he was walking back he decided to have a change of heart. "JEEZE, I JUST MET YOU FIVE MINUTES AGO AND NOW YOU DISS ME?" Transformers was okay though I can't believe they mentioned masturbation in it lmao. "We can call it Sam's happy time." Didn't really understood which of the transformers died. Since the Drive in was a three film feature, we also watched Die Hard 4 but I fell asleep through half of it. Went back to my cousins' house at 2 AM and slept over. Movie day: fun, fun, eyes hurting omg.