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May 12, 2007 16:11

Thursday: I don't really remember much about thursday to be honest. Just Confirmation. Ohmigosh, I was panicking when my sponsor wasn't here yet, five minutes before I had to leave. But she came at the end so all was well (: Took some pictures and mass began. Was kind of boring. My sponsor and I still chatted even though we weren't suppose to lol. Got confirmed and then we went to eat at the Barbar House. The menu was... kind of boring lol. Didn't really like the pasta and my skirt ripped which sucks. I need to give it to my grandma so she can sew it again.

Friday: Don't really want to talk about school hours. So I went to Square one after that to go to my lessons but apparently, LESSONS WAS CANCELED. Tch, so I have to wait for my mom's spa thing to finish. I saw Patricia, Emily, Paula, Melanie, Stephanie and Vince though which was kind of weird. Though the later didn't really notice me. So after that we went to eat at Boston's pizza. OMG, the teenagers that passed us were holding a sex doll! LOLOLOL. It was a blowup doll but still, I saw it at Family Guy and uh... yeah. Dad kept flirting teasing the new waitresses and OMG. Virgin Strawberry Daiquiri is love now. IT'S SOOO GOOD. Wanted to go to Demetre but... I was too full so we just went home.

Today: Annie practice. Was the fourth one to arrive and I was basically the door person for half an hour. Talked to the nurse. It was really weird when she said 'the hell' lol. It was kind of boring at first but then we got to wear out costumes so it was okay. OMG MARK AND DEXTER LOOK SO CUTE IN THEIR TUXES! (: I got scolded by Miss Marino and (slightly) Mr. Hummel. First one because I didn't give Dexter's hat on time and the other I didn't say 'please and thank you' to my dad. lol, whatever. I have to push him in a wheelchair and he's HEAVY. It's hard to turn the... vehicle when he's on it. Plus in the curtain call I have to bow with him. UBER WEIRD.
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