Anyone who has administered an office full of Outlook clients (not Exchange mind you) will know the fun that ensues when a user hits the magic 2Gb email limit...
It kinda goes like this...
dude: My email isn't working.
me: Dude, your PST file is bigger than 2Gb.
dude: So?
me: That's the limit, sorry.
dude: Can you fix it?
me: Sorta, but you'll lose some emails...
dude: Which ones? Like the latest ones?
me: Can't say. Maybe.
dude: How did this happen? I frequently delete my old mails.
me: Doesn't matter.
dude: What!? Why?
me: dunno. I'll install Thunderbird if you like?
dude: Nah I hate that program, some websites won't work in it.
me: Right.
I wonder if this is fixed in Office 2008 ? Oh and make sure you
download Firefox 3 on June 17 ok !