Okay, that's a bit pessamistic. But I just learned that Joss Whedon is now
off Wonder Woman.
This makes me a very sad panda. Big movie makers have a shitty track record with female superheroes (hence the title of this post), when they even bother to look at them. Joss is very good at creating strong (if rather whispy) female heroes. That's why I was excited about the Wonder Woman movie. Wonder Woman's difficult -- she doesn't have as well-defined an identity as Bats & Supes. But Whedon is an awesome enough writer to have handled it. He might have come up with something unconventional, but I could rest assured that Whedon's WW would have kicked ass.
Now? My hope for this movie has been shattered. Even odds they'll:
1. Cast Paris Hilton as WW
2. Revive classic age WW tropes: "Oh noes! I've been tied up by a man (to a big phallic shaped something) and now I'm totally helpless! Won't someone save me?"
3. "Re-imagine" Wonder Woman as a former prostitute named Slutty Sluttington who works for Man's World Cosmetics Corporation and falls out a window and is gifted superpowers by greek goddesses who bestow their mystic gifts by milling about and licking her.
4. All of the above.
Bah. :-(