A Survey I Stole from Chapfan

Jun 18, 2006 10:00

Part 1: The Birth of You

Were you a planned baby?
I think so.

Were you the first?:

Who was present at your birth?:
I would guess just my mom and dad, but my mom's mom might have been there too.

Were your parents married when you were born?:

What is your birthdate?:
May 23rd, 1984

Part 2: The Family

How would you describe your family?:
Well, my dad's side is cool and normal and my mom's side is dysfunctional and religious fanatics. Both of my parents, unfortunately, are extreme baptists and my grandparents (the only ones I have; my mom's side) are also strict baptists. My brother and I have fled the faith and lead our own lives. Both my brother and I are closer to our parents now that we don't all live under the same roof.

Are your parents married? Divorced? Seperated?:
They will have their silver anniversary this December.

Siblings or an only child?:
My brother is the only one and he's two years younger.

Which parent do you get along with best?:
I get along equally well with both of them.

What do you fight about?:
We used to fight over my "rebellious attitude" all the time when I was a teenager. I just never was the person they wanted me to be. They were really strict and devoted to church and the Bible. I just wanted to live life my own way, listen to the music I liked and have at least some privacy; none of which I was allowed while under their authority.

Do you have step parents?:

Part 3: The Friends

Do you have more than one best friend?:
My BEST friend is my husband. I have two other friends I consider "bests".

What do you like to do when you are together?
Eat, drink, smoke, talk, watch movies/ shows, play video, board or card games.

Do you share the same interests?:
Yes. For the best friends I'm not married to, I know them so well that I've picked out and given them three of their four pets and I would never choose a gift that they wouldn't simply adore. I've gotten both interested in many of the same shows I like and we have lots of good times together.

Which friend can you tell anything to?
Only the hubby.

Part 4: Your Personality

How high/low is your self esteem?:
I'm generally ok with myself. Often I get down on myself for my weight, but I know I'm losing some weight and I'm doing my best.

Do you get depressed about things easily?

Are you an extrovert or an introvert?:
An extrovert on the quiet side.

Are you happy?:
Pretty much.

Do you live life to the fullest?
I try, but it's a hard life and just working to survive leaves little time to do the things I enjoy.

Part 5: Appearance

Are you comfortable with the way you look?:
All but the weight. So basically, no. I am the woman you see tugging on her clothes so that they always hang properly. However, buying clothes that look good on my body and shape has really helped to boost my self-perception.

Do you have any piercings besides your ears?:
No and I don't want any others.

Describe your hair?
Long (all the way down to my butt), dark brown (used to be dirty blonde), never dyed, rarely cut, fairly healthy, one of my favorite features about myself

What make-up do you wear?

How do you dress?
I almost always dress in business professional clothes. I do wear jeans and a t-shirt on serious t-shirt and jean occasions, but I don't really like the way a run-of-the-mill t-shirt looks on me, so more often than not, I'll pair my jeans with a work appropriate shirt. Most of my wardrobe is that of work: I own three pairs of work pants, two work skirts (can't wear one due to the lack of shoes to wear with), one jacket, one actual coat jacket, and about six shirts. I only own two pairs of jeans, one denim skirt, and maybe three t-shirts that I actually like and do wear.

Part 6: The Past

Were you a strange child?:
Not really. I was a little girl who loved to play Barbies. Later, I was a girl who talked about boys constantly.

What did you use to love that you no longer do?
Probably many things. I try to repress my childhood mostly, so not only that I can't remember, but I don't really want to.

Do you have the same friends?:
I've gotten into contact with a few childhood/ teen friends, but the rekindled relationships from those always fizzle out the fastest.

Was there anything in your past that was traumatizing?
When I was twenty, I was in a bad car accident and shattered my right kneecap. My life has completely changed because of it.
Further back, I was traumatized by overly strict parents and spirit-crushing rules and love lost; both of which spun me into depression and resulted in many hours of therapy and some medicating. I have also been both anorexic and a cutter.

Part 7: The Future

What is your ambition?:
To be rich. And if not rich, just to have enough money that we don't have to worry if something huge and unexpected comes up (ie. blown-out tire, emergency vet visit, etc.) that we can't take care of it. That on top of having the nice jobs, nice cars, nice house, paid on time bills, health insurance, dental insurance, good amount of savings and the freedom to buy most anything small that we'd like and eventually save for the big things. So I guess you could sum all that up into financial security and stability.

Are you scared of growing old?:
Yes. I have quite a bit of health problems already at the age of 22. I can't imagine how much pain and suffering 72 is going to have in store for me. Plus, I am not what anyone would call "fond" of old people. I don't want to be one myself. I'm more afraid of death, though. So what are my other options?

Do you want to get married?:
Hope so, since I am already... :P

Part 8: The Outdoors

Do you prefer indoors or outdoors?:
Indoors, by far!!! I hate the outdoors!

Favorite Season?
Spring and fall. The other two seasons are too extreme around here. Ask me again a year from now because we are moving cross-country and will be in a totally different climate.

Favorite weather?
I like rain and thunder storms. I also pretty much like fog. I like mild weather because I really dislike the extreme hot and the extreme cold.

Do you like walking in the rain?
As much as I like WALKING, I suppose. :P

Part 9: Food

Are you a vegetarian?:
No, and I love Maddox's view on the matter. :D

What is your favorite food?:
OOOH! LOVE food! Pierogies, Doritos, nachos, cheese, McDonalds, coconut shrimp, potatoes, several other chips and crackers, pizza, and I'm sure I could list for a bit longer here....

What food makes you want to gag?:
Onions and others that I won't get into....

What is your favorite dessert?:
I like just about any and all.

What is your favorite restaurant?:
I adore McDonald's quite a bit, so I'd call that my favorite fast-food restaurant. The Cooperage may be my favorite nice sit-down restaurant.

Are you a fussy eater?

Part 10: Relationships and Love

Do you think love is the best feeling in the world?:

Do you believe in love at first sight?
I do.

Part 11: Experiences

What was one of your greatest experiences?:
Graduating from college.

What was one of your worst?
Breaking my knee.

Have you ever done drugs?

Have you ever thought you were going to die?:

Have you ever suffered from depression?:
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