Step 1: Get your playlist together, put it on random, and play.
Step 2: Pick your favorite lines from the first 25 songs that play.
Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song the lines come from.
Step 4: Cross out the songs when someone guesses correctly! No cheating and pasting the lyrics into a search engine.
1. I had a dream I lived next door to me, what I saw pure insanity.
2. You could tell me why you just dont fit in, and how you're gonna be something.
3. And in my town you can't drive naked
4. Breaking a part of my heart to find release, taking you out of my blood to bring me peace.
5. And if I'm talking to fast it just means you're listening to slow and if you listen a little faster maybe you'll catch up, Bitch.
6. How I miss your ranting, do you miss my all time lows
7.I'm falling into memories of you and things we used to do
8. I didnt know she had the g.i. joe, kung foo grip
9. Die young and save yourself.
10. And I wonder when I sing along with you, if everything could ever feel this real forever, if anything could ever be this good again.
11. She listened as her dreams silently screamed...Dear world i'm pleased to meet you
12. So damn hot but so young
13. introduced to the yay to the yo
14. and the most beautiful thing is when i hear your heartbeat...beat...beat
15. Do tha A-Town stomp
16. Do you want a song of glory? Well I'm fucking screaming at you
17. We speak just like the closest enemies
18. And love is either in your heart or on it's way
19. Forget all about that macho shit and learn how to play guitar
20. Stay with me I feel sad when you run
21. I try to laugh but cry instead patiently wait to hear the words you've never said
22. React with whack shit and get smacked with verbal backflips
23. The more we try to change the more we stay the same
24. Dad and mom, what planet are you from and what convinced you to pack up and leave?
25. If I was beautiful like you,I'd walk in the rain between the rain drops...But that would never be cause I'm not beautiful like you
well now, wasnt that fun? [[lets try something else..]] lol. Man I'm bored...Keep having a great winter break y'all! [[Or start...whutev ;P ]]