You're something I'm missing.

Sep 06, 2004 02:02

And after all this time,
you'd think that I,
I wouldn't feel the same...
but time melts into nothing
and nothing's changed.

Oh so much to update..but I'll do that later.
Right now I'm at Janets [[mom's]] house. Its late and all three of us [[janet,shae,me]] are super tired. But Janet is hungry so she's making herself some food and some tea for the 3 of us. This is a really pointless entry. I have to get on Bart by 1:00 tomorrow. BLEH. I dont want to leave here. I really dont want to go back to school. I know that once i get back home all my homework is going to be waiting for me. ---> ew . <--- Is what I have to say about that. So far this weekend has been a LOT of fun. =D
Lets see if I can remember all the funny parts:

"Hi, I'd like Schfiftyfive fries please!!"
"'That was the best 10 minutes of my life!!'...'Well obviously yu've never hada Reeeeaaly man!'"
"The world is our oyster! so you know, like...the shell is the world and we're the oyster and we get explore the world//shell."
"Oysters dont explore!! They goo!"
" then, we got second place."
"Mama?..Yes *breathe* son *breathe* I'm here *breathe*"

Ok, well...I'm spent. I cant think of anything else at the moment. I'll try and think of some more later...when my brain is actually functioning -- because right now it sooooo isnt. And shae fell asleep on the couch. and janet is singing....MAKE IT STOOPPPPPPPP. [[s-t-o-p ! stop!! hahahah]] Peace out nekkuh.
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