First two weeks of Spring Semester-Academic

Feb 07, 2009 03:00

i haven't made an update on my classes yet. i started to make one about a week ago [after my first week] but it fell to the wayside, so i'll make it now when i'm super tired at 3am and i have nothing better to do.

my favorite class so far is my speech class. My professor's name is too long to remember [she has like 6 names], but she told us to call her professor bunny, or just bunny. she's a very poignant person, which i feel can be polarizing; however, we have similar political views, so i love and bask in everything that she says. especially since she's a speech teacher, i LOVE her comments about sarah palin, and how dumb she is. bunny told us that we would end up being really close, like most of her classes. there's a kid that sits next to me, Andrew. secretly, he's kind of a qt. during one of the first classes, we had to "interview" someone we didn't know, and make a speech about them. bunny said that mine and andrews [we were partners] were one of the best groups in the bunch, and we've talked every class since.

My english class is super chill, and even BS to an extent. i have writing fiction once a week [friday 2-445], so i've had two classes. today the professor said that he still didn't have the syllabus for the class...but that we would never have any tests, and that the last two thirds of the semester will consist primarily of workshops for short stories that we write. he also said that as long as we put a conscious effort, we will get an A. "i have no problem giving everyone in the class an A" he told us today.

on the first day of my political science 101 class, my professor told us it will be the hardest class of our semester. the material so far is semi dry [even though for some weird reason i'm slightly interested by it...i have never been interested in greek politics before...]. it's straight lecture, and not much time for questions or conversation, which i suppose is fine with me as long as i'm paying attention. there was a slight blowout last week with a girl, and it was quite amusing, to say the least.

i'm not sure if i like my american national government class yet. some of the things that this man says, and what is in the syllabus seems like a repeat of Mrs. Hargraves 7th grade history class. he [similarly to her] is African American, and it seems like the talk of slavery and civil rights are their main points of the class. now, i'm not racist, i think it's fine that we learn about the civil rights movement, and about slavery...but if you look at the syllabus, it has us spending a week on various topics...week on founding fathers, a week on the constitution, a week on senate, week on house, week on president [you get the idea]. he set aside 3 weeks for the civil rights movement. i know that this is an important time in history, but i just feel like it might be a little overkill. and every class so far has seemed like this man has the need to point out every mention of slavery in everything that we read [even if slavery is irrelevent to the topic at hand].

my final class is sociology 101. i have to geek out for a minute and say that i really like the book. so on the first day of the class, the professor hands us a TWENTY-THREE page syllabus. no lie. it has like everything you ever wanted to know about the class. i like that it is a lecture, yet there is participation...and if you participate in 3 classes, you get 100% participation. with more than three, you just continue to get extra that's always a good thing [as long as i try to participate at least once every class lol]

overall, my classes have been very enjoyable. mind you, it's the second week, and i haven't taken any tests, or done any "heavy lifting". the only thing that stinks is that all of my teachers seem to have a pretty strict attendance policy. especially compared to last semesters professors.

i don't want to ramble on forever with this entry, so i will update a little later on the nonacademic things that have been going on. but i'd like to say before that entry, that i love how different this semester is so far than last simply because i know people [and hang with them]. even people that i wouldn't have seen myself hanging with when i first met them.
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