omg katie il ove you!! Hahahha thanks so much for hanging out wiht me and zacharoonie!!! sorry that shit sooo didnt work out i hope you arent bummed at us! I LOOOOVE YOU!!! I GOT ZACH DRUNK!!! I LOVE YOU MORE!!!! lets hangout again i need to getchyo numba! crazy..i have colins and not yours! WEIRD
hhahahaha i absolutely LOVE the title of your post. you guys are so awesome. did you get any reactions on your voicemail? my cellular numba is 8675309 hahah i wish its 6028828725
hahahahshitshahs i just saw the part about colin...EWWW HEEEEELL NO!!!! and DAMN i hit on zach ALL the time! it just doesnt creep him out like YOU hitting on him does!~!! ahahahah you can hit on me though. i'm cool about it ;) hahahahaha rararar <3 p.s. i just got text messaging!!!
my cellular telephone number is
Call me and you can have colin.
you guys are so awesome.
did you get any reactions on your voicemail?
my cellular numba is
8675309 hahah i wish
its 6028828725
and DAMN i hit on zach ALL the time! it just doesnt creep him out like YOU hitting on him does!~!! ahahahah you can hit on me though. i'm cool about it ;) hahahahaha rararar <3 p.s. i just got text messaging!!!
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