(no subject)

Aug 14, 2004 19:09

I'm watching the end of DieHard 2 on tv right now...and I'm kinda lost as to exactly what is going on. Bruce Willis almost just got run over by a plane because he was caught under a sewage grate of some sort, but he got out. Now he's stuck in either the cockpit or the bathroom, because the bad guys put an axe over the door so he couldn't get out

nowhe's about to eject to escape about a million grenades they threw in...he just did

and he's falling back toward earth.

Wow, i don't think this is the kind of movie you can watch if all you've ever seen of it is like 30 minutes from right in the middle.

i just got back from day #1 of our auburn tournament. We won the first game like 8 or 9-0 (i lost count after a while!). They were in E division or something, though, and we're in A. We lost our second game 1-2... :(

but there's still tomorrow.

So how did everyone's friday the 13th go yesterday? any bad luck? any good?

Who watched the opening ceremonies? for the olympics. I thought it was really good..and creative...the way they showed the video clips on the sides of the pieces of the hanging sculpture thing. and the whole artificial lake was cool as well. I also liked the human sculptures...they must be sore today from standing stiff like that for so long

But the whole glowing pregnant woman thing was a little wierd

julia- i saw your sister today! Brynn, Sarah, and I went with Franco in between our games to watch the little girls, who were like 15 minutes away from where we were. We saw part of the warmup and part of the game...Charlotte was out and we were chatting. She's probably like, "wow...they're freaks!"

mainly due to the fact that we found those "BrainQuest" quizzy flashcard things...for like 8-9 year olds, 3rd grade level, in Franco's car, and brynn started quizzing sarah and me.

very interesting...there was one that said something like: Correct the following to make it rhyme: Ding Dong Ding Dong Bell/The cat fell in the pool

we couldn't figure it out...we all started laughing. The answer was change pool to well, but we were lost as to where they came up with the rhyme. i suppose it must be well known or something, but none of us had ever heard of it.

but, then again, sarah brynn and i have problems together. we're silly geese!

Commercials over...i may write more later

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