Jul 20, 2011 11:00
Yesterday I went to see Andy.
Now, Andy lives on the Westside.
And I live in the Valley.
What this means, for those of you unfamiliar with LA, is that I must take the 405 freeway to get from my home to his.
Which, as I'm sure everybody in the world is aware of, is the site of the so-called Carmageddon that failed to happen this last weekend. The reason for Carmageddon was that CALTrans brought down a huge bridge that spanned the freeway, so they could eventually widen said freeway.
But the bridge is/was a double span. They took down only the south-facing side of the span. So there's still half of a bridge there. Okay. It's not an unfinished bridge or anything. It still looks like A BRIDGE. Except the south side of it is now gone.
It took me the better part of an hour to get over the hill, because everybody was stopping to look at SOMETHING THAT WASN'T THERE ANYMORE.
This fucking town I swear to god.
And then to avoid it on the way back, I took surface streets.
Hour and a half to get home.
This fucking town I swear to god.