Posted in a hurry because LJ looks like it's having problems again.
An article on the cult-like following around Ron Paul. Excerpt: "See, Ron Paul isn't a candidate. He's a meme. Much like a popular YouTube video, Twitter hashtag or literary blog metaphor, if you're aware of it, you're savvy -- you're one of them. Ron Paul is a shibboleth for nihilistic hipsters. If you can work "Ron Paul" and "liberty!" into a tweet, you're one of them. You're anti-establishment. People who are devoted to Ron Paul appear to be more interested in the fantastical, fictitious idea of President Ron Paul than the realistic manifestation of President Ron Paul."
Reposted from facebook:
Why your well-intentioned advice was called 'victim-blaming'. [TW: discussion of rape and victim blaming] Ranty but worth the read. I don't support a local victim's advocacy group here in town because their prominent "victims advocate" pushes the "do this stuff and you won't get raped" BS. And she firmly believes anyone who has a problem with that is naive. And, yes, the first question she asks victims is "were you drinking?".
Oh hey, there's also a Senate race among Republicans in Texas. And
all is not cut and dried there either.
Freestyle skier suffers
major injury while practicing at Park City, Utah. Not anyone I personally know but I hope she's alright.
Researcher who reported that red wine is good for you fabricated data,
according to an investigation. And not just once or twice. It was 145 times. Still. This is one of those things I want to believe. So LALALALALALALALALA! I can't hear you! I'm saddened by the fabricated data, though. There's no excuse for that. And $184K is one helluva a salary for a Prof.
Researchers have found protein that mimics the effects of exercise. I'm doubtful. As usual I'll wait for further studies to draw any conclusions. We've heard this claim numerous times before.
Oh, Canada. *facepalm*