I can't start my assay right now because of stuff so I'm reading the news.
You all already know I'm sick and tired of women's rights and health being used as a political leveraging tool. We're 50% of the population, not a special interest group.
Here a columnist with HuffPo calls out the President for not "manning up" when it comes to women's health. Excerpt: "If we can't get the president to fight for something as simple as birth control -- something
studies show 99% of sexually active women in this country have used and something polls show the overwhelming
majority of Americans believe should be administered without insurance co-pays -- then how can we expect him to have the courage and conviction to fight on the issues that are less clear cut?" I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that according to Guttmacher, 98% of Catholic women of reproductive age use birth control. So it's hypocritical of the Bishops to be doing this if they "can't control their flock".
I don't know if this is a just an empty campaign promise or what, but Huntsman
wants to get medieval on Wall Street's ass. Again, he could just be saying that to move his campaign to the middle ground.
In truly WTF news, someone
wrote to Dear Prudence about a 5 year old that was still breastfeeding. I think by that age, if the child still needs breastmilk, for whatever reason, it should be pumped.
A researched
rant on why so many women are so angry at their husbands. This isn't me complaining, and I'm not posting it out of frustration or passive aggression, it's a rant on a very, very common problem in marriages. And one I think everyone needs to discuss. "What these [women] wish: that their husbands acted more like partners -- especially when it comes to the nitty-gritty." And a
response to the rant.