Right now I'm waiting for stuff - waiting for a call back from a vendor, waiting for a time point, waiting for an incubation period to end, etc. So I've got a bit o' time to read essays I'd otherwise ignore in favor of news. Agree or not, with the writers, the essays are interesting food for thought.
Jos at Feministing on "
Issues are more important than elections." Yes, I know the Farouk for Governor ad is ironic, but she's got no control over the ads and lives in another state, so probably doesn't know who he is.
Anna at Jezebel's "
Tales of My Vagina, Or Why Women's Health is Totally F*ing Unfair." If you're female and you haven't been there and can't sympathize, you have my sincere congratulations. I expect the rest of you to be nodding in agreement. Men, this is worth a read, just to find out one tiny little detail about the glory that is being female.
I'm slow. I just recently discovered
The Sexist Blog over at Washington City Paper.
The series on groping makes me happy. Not because of the groping, but because it validates decades of complaints of harassment I've made that have been blown off by just about everyone I've attempted to talk to about this. Men and women should both read this series, as both men and women are both victims and perpetrators. The series also attempts to explain why victims more often than not freeze up and the violent revenge fantasies that persist, often for decades, after an incident.
There are also a series of essays on
street harassment at the Washington City Paper. This sooooo resonates with me. It's why I would often dread walking anywhere alone in the city. Also
here and
here. Wow....validation for what it was like up there..... Why didn't they write this when I lived up there?