So recently I took a few flights. And, yes, I have allergies that are exacerbated by the whole pre-pressurization procedure that all commercial flights do prior to take-off. Was I surprised that people were all "unclean!" when I started coughing? Not really. Did I care? Well, no. So this whole idea of not flying with "flu symptoms" really irks me because those of us with allergies have "flu symptoms" most of the year. If I restricted travel to days without coughing, I'm left with, like, 2 days a year that can't be planned in advance. Besides, if airlines really wanted passengers to stay home when sick they'd drop or eliminate rebooking fees. Since they're now charging our bags to fly, I doubt that will ever happen.
People have been talking about some "conspiracy" as a result of climate scientists emails being hacked. I just think it illuminates that science is just like every other occupation and that there are assholes aplenty. It's awfully naive to think this only applies to climatologists. I've seen it in oceanographers, biochemists, synthetic chemists, cancer researchers and biologists. It's frackin' hard to publish anything against the dogma, no matter how carefully controlled the experiment. And the world abounds with bad data and experiments. That said, the consensus is that global temperatures are rising. I've seen the data and agree. I have no opinion on what's causing it because no one's experiments have been able to demonstrate cause and effect. So, to me, the anthropomorphic argument is ONE compelling argument that still needs further investigation. Do I still think we all need to live green? Well, yea. I've felt that way since the 70s. After all, the environment will go on; with or without us.
Oh look, I'm not the only one that goes into a fit of rage at the new Reebok Easy Tone commercials: Headline: "The 30 Most Disturbing Twilight Products." Already posted to my facebook, with the same disclaimer: One item is NSFW, the rest are not safe for anyone. Too LOLtastic to not share. Dr Who: The End of Time will premier on Boxing Day (December 26) in the US. I hope it's also out on DVD then, because we don't get BBC America here. I haven't yet seen Waters of Mars (but will try to get the DVD tonight), so Shhhttt! no spoilers!
And I have a request of the news media: Remember back a year or so ago when you all very publicly stated that you would have one day without Paris Hilton news? That one glorious day? Well I propose a Day Without Sarah Palin. How awesome would that be? Please? Pretty please with sugar on top?